Can G-Strings or Thongs Cause Urinary Tract Infections?

A quick search around Google will tell you that G strings or thongs can cause UTI or even vaginal infections, but is this true, if it is, how true is it? Just how much water does this theory hold? There are even medically acclaimed sites that claim that this may be true, and claim that […]

How to Protect Your Liver

The liver is a large organ (the second largest organ in the body after the skin) located in the abdomen and could weigh up to 1500g, it is built like a wedge or pyramid and pinkish brown in colour and divided into segments, with each segment having its own blood supply It carries out quite […]

What you need to ask your doctor before that procedure

Often times, surgery or some procedures will need to be done to correct some health conditions that you may have. You would need to be as informed as possible about all the risks and benefits, after all, this procedure will be performed on you.   Here is a list of what you need to know: […]

Asthma: What you need to know about it


Asthma is a chronic disease affecting the airways of a person’s lungs where the airways become inflamed, narrowed and filled with mucus, making breathing difficult. It is very common and affects both children and adults. It has no cure but can be controlled effectively with appropriate management. What causes Asthma? It is caused by a […]

How many times should I go for a health check?

Are general health checks important? Many people do not think it is important to go for regular health checks and only visit the hospital when they fall ill or when they need a pre-employment health check or something of that sort.   On the contrary, we take the cars we drive to the mechanic shop […]

What Vaccines can Adults get?

Almost everyone knows how important it is for children to get immunized but we fail to realize that adults need vaccines too. Vaccination is a preventive mechanism that enables your body strong enough to fight off infections and protects you from deadly diseases. There are a number of vaccines available for adults. Some of them […]

Why Snoozing your alarm is Bad for your Health

It’s 5am, your alarm rings, you reach for the snooze button, after all, it’s a slow day, the traffic won’t be that bad, you just need a few more minutes of sleep.   Then you reach for the snooze button. That may be the worst decision you may make all day, Why? Before you actually […]

What You Need to Know About Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer is a kind of cancer that occurs in the cervix. This is the commonest type of cancer among Nigerian women today and as of 2007, almost 37 million women above the age of 15 were at risk of getting cervical cancer The cervix is basically the part that connects the vagina to the […]

Drinking very hot tea more likely to cause cancer, new research tells us

    According to a new study, people who drink very hot tea may be increasing their chances of getting esophageal cancer What they found out was that people who drank tea that was hotter than 60 degrees Celsius and consumed more than 700 ml of tea per day had a 90% higher risk of […]

How to prevent Stomach Ulcers

Stomach ulcers are common these days, that gnawing pain that occurs just below your ribs either before or after a meal that feels like someone placed burning charcoal in your belly Yes! that is the pain I am talking about The common causes of ulcers are infection by a bacteria known as H Pylori and […]